Monday, 23 September 2013

Comenius Project Team

Here are some pictures of our new Comenius Team.

Monday, 9 September 2013

A new Comenius Project

This year our European Project Team will continue to work and we’ll take part in a new Comenius project.
With the school Saint Pierre-Notre Dame de France-Sainte Marie from Abbeville, in France, we’ll develop the Bilateral Project “Towards a brighter future: preventing dropping out in an inclusive school ". A very interesting project which will deal with a serious problem in Europe: early school leaving.

This is our project summary:
“Early school leaving is an urgent and serious problem in Europe, both for individuals and society as a whole. According to the European Commission, one in seven young people leave school without finishing secondary education. One in seven young people who are more likely to end up unemployed, poor or marginalized. Beyond the cost to individuals, early school leaving hampers economic growth and competitiveness. Low levels of education have severe consequences for young people, but also high economic and social costs for society. There are many reasons why some young people give up school prematurely: learning difficulties, social problems or a lack of motivation, guidance or support. However, the impacts of individual and social conditions are also affected by the set-up of the educational system and the environment in schools. Since there is not a single reason for leaving education or vocational training, there are no easy answers. With this project, we will try to find out some answers and to set up some innovative methods/strategies/activities to prevent school drop-out in the vocational education sector in our countries.  Teachers, students, parents and local entities will work together to exchange practices and knowledge on the most effective ways to keep young people in education and training and to fight against early school leaving. We'll focus on teaching/learning methods which promote personal and social growth, career development, and civic responsibility, while involving parents and local entities which will make the connection between school and real life more visible for students.”

Monday, 3 June 2013

Comenius Multilateral Project "TOLERANCE as a Key to Social Integration Into European Dimension for Young Citizens"

A booklet with a DVD is the final outcome of our project. It is the final compilation of all the research and project works done in the two project years. It includes our Students‘ presentations, Comenius corners, Project logo, Research works, Surveys, Multilingual dictionary, Interviews/testimonies, Evaluation reports, and Short films.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Comenius Multilateral Project "TOLERANCE as a Key to Social Integration Into European Dimension for Young Citizens": Educational lessons on tolerance

Since our last meeting in Italy, we had some educational classes on Tolerance and two main themes were discussed.
We chose these themes because they are very present in our society and arise public discussion.
The first one was about the right to marry and to adopt children of   same-sex couples. In Portugal, marriage between people of the same gender is now allowed, but joint adoption is not yet legal for them.
Another subject was that of the discrimination involving  the Romani people and their place in our society.
Here are our opinions and conclusions.


Friday, 29 March 2013

Comenius Multilateral Project "TOLERANCE as a Key to Social Integration Into European Dimension for Young Citizens": Imagine, John Lennon

We thought the video shown by our Italian colleagues was very nice, so we decided to use a timeless song by John Lennon and the drawings we did about tolerance to make a small video. We hope you´ll like it.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Comenius Bilateral Project "Aiming for a Better World with a Multicultural School": Celebrating Comenius Immigrant Students´ Day.

Last thursday, 14th March, we celebrated another Comenius Immigrant Students´ Day at our school!

This time we celebrated Mozambique´s Day! We learned some expressions in Shitsu, organized an exhibition and we cooked typical Mozambican pastry.

Here is a short film about this day.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Comenius Multilateral Project "TOLERANCE as a Key to Social Integration Into European Dimension for Young Citizens": Tolerance film

We are filming our "Tolerance film" entitled "A job interview for a teaching position".

We will share it with you in Bulgaria!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Comenius Bilateral Project "Aiming for a Better World with a Multicultural School": Learning Spanish!

Last Wednesday we began our Spanish lessons!

We are learning basic vocabulary and sentence structures so that we can communicate during our visit to I.E.S. Los Cardones, in Tenerife.

Hope to meet you all soon!