Monday, 10 November 2014

"Bringing Europe Closer”: KA1 - Staff training in Italy

Cátia Costa, FORAVE`s psychologist attended, from 3th to 7th November, the course "Building emotional relationships to prevent early school leaving" at ERIFO, in Rome, Italy.
Here is her opinion on the course…

“The methodology was highly practical and concrete. The training made use of the Flipped methodology, which relies on social and constructive learning. The course was carried out through laboratories and educational games in a collaborative context with the teacher’s support. The trainers will make extensive use of evidence-based examples and experiences. Every day the concepts and methodologies studied were associated to exercises and laboratories in order to make the participants immediately confident with the new tools.”

Monday, 27 October 2014

INNOTECS - International Network of Technical Schools, 1st Meeting in Porto

Manuela Guimarães and Teresa Santos participated in the first meeting of the KA2 Erasmus+ project INNOTECS - International Network of Technical  Schools which took place at ISEP, in Porto, on 21st and 22nd October.
INNOTECS is an international organisation for deans and directors of Technical schools, mainly focused on Vocational Educational Training level and High school level.
The initiative for adding a new sustainable professional network to the many International networks that already exist, was because there was no International Network for Technical VET schools and schools for Higher Education in Technique which could deal with the future challenges coming from the European Labour market. For two years, the partners from Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and Finland will try to build a network with at least 28 technical schools,  14 countries and 12 stakeholders/enterprises involved.

Monday, 2 June 2014

"Towards a brighter future: preventing dropping out in an inclusive school " - Bilateral Meeting at FORAVE

Between 21st and 30th May 2014, the first meeting of our Comenius Bilateral Project “Towards a brighter future: preventing dropping out in an inclusive school " took place at FORAVE – Associação para a Educação Profissional do Vale do Ave, in Lousado.
The students and teachers from the French school Saint Pierre-Notre Dame de France-Sainte Marie met the Portuguese team to carry out the planned activities and to discuss and evaluate the project.
During this European meeting we had ice-breaking activities which allowed us to get to know each other and to make new friends; students´ presentations about the schools, countries and the project´s theme; field trips and lessons at local companies and at the local university;  and visits to the cities of Porto, Braga, Guimarães and Viana do Castelo.
We also made an exhibition about France, worked on the Bilingual Dictionary, chose the logo which best conveyed the theme of the project, updated this website and evaluated the activities carried out until now.