Monday, 27 October 2014

INNOTECS - International Network of Technical Schools, 1st Meeting in Porto

Manuela Guimarães and Teresa Santos participated in the first meeting of the KA2 Erasmus+ project INNOTECS - International Network of Technical  Schools which took place at ISEP, in Porto, on 21st and 22nd October.
INNOTECS is an international organisation for deans and directors of Technical schools, mainly focused on Vocational Educational Training level and High school level.
The initiative for adding a new sustainable professional network to the many International networks that already exist, was because there was no International Network for Technical VET schools and schools for Higher Education in Technique which could deal with the future challenges coming from the European Labour market. For two years, the partners from Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and Finland will try to build a network with at least 28 technical schools,  14 countries and 12 stakeholders/enterprises involved.