From left to right: Artur Passos, Teresa Santos, Nuno Moreira and Filipa Laranjeira.

Filipa and Aixa.
Nuno and Filipa´s presentations.
Puerto de la Cruz
Santa Cruz
From left to right: João, Paulo, Jorge and Nuno.
From left to right: Andreia, Ana, João and Diogo.
See you soon!
We’d like you to fill in the following questionnaire in order to collect precious information about you, your future plans, your opinions about school and your tastes and preferences in general.
Your replies will be analysed together with your mates’ so as to improve communication inside school and obtain better results for all of us....
Class and course ............ Male .......... Female ......... Age ..........
1. We ask you to describe yourself shortly. For each feature, say if it fits you or not. (Yes or No)
- I love novelties
- I am tidy
- I’m very active
- I’m a simple person
- I’m a bit introverted
- When faced with difficulties, I lose heart
- I’m successful in many things I do
- I’m worried about the future
- I mostly act on instinct, more emotionally than rationally
- I prefer working on my own rather than with others
- I am a good leader
- I’m self-confident
- I am usually quite nervous
- I’m always anxious
- I like taking risks
2. Everybody has some aims to achieve. Which ones are you more interested in? (Free choice)
- economic well-being
- success in profession / school
- a safe job and a decent salary
- enjoying a good reputation
- improving culture, knowledge
- having a good time, enjoying the pleasures of life
- travelling
- relaxing, resting
- spending time with friends
- taking holidays
- taking care of family, house
- having children, bringing them up
- staying with partner (boy/girl friend)
- enjoying good health
- being physically efficient
- practising sports
- being good- looking
- helping the others
- political commitment
- religious experience
- freedom from duties and ties
- setting up business on your own
3. How much do you trust each of the following institutions, groups, organizations? ( Yes,very much / enough or Little/No trust)
- scientists
- the UN
- the police
- teachers
- the army
- school
- judges / magistrates
- priests /clergymen
- industrialists
- banks
- dailies
- TV
- the radio
- political parties
- the Internet
- trademarks
- human rights associations (Amnesty, Emergency,..)
- singers / artists
- sportsmen (footballers...)
- family
4. How much do you feel part of.....?? (A lot / enough or Little / not at all)
- Your family
- Your school
- Your class
- Your group of friends
- Your town
- Your region
- Your country
- Europe
- The whole world
5. With reference to teachers, we ask you to reflect upon the following didactic skills and to express your opinion. How much do you count on a teacher’s ability to ... (Answer with “1” to “5” or “?”)
- explain well
- create interest around a subject
- make use of good quality teaching tools
- use good textbooks
- show fairness/ equity in evaluating
- pay attention to the students’ school problems
- express respect and attention to the students’ personal problems
6. Now we’d like you to express – with the same numbers - how much you generally miss these same skills in your teachers. Think well before you decide!
- explain well
- create interest around a subject
- make use of good quality teaching tools
- use good textbooks
- show fairness/ equity in evaluating
- pay attention to the students’ school problems
- express respect and attention to the students’ personal problems
Thank you very much for your cooperation!!!
It must be stressed that these results aren’t a faithful picture and that they only represent trends. Nevertheless, this survey was important because it made our students realize the importance of being able to evaluate themselves in a positive way and of considering the self-esteem as a temporary psychological condition, that is to say, a condition that can be changed so that it can influence all their actions at school and with their families.
Following you’ll find some situations you could have found yourself or you’ll maybe have to cope with. You should evaluate them according to your personal experience.
0 means “Doesn’t correspond to my personal experience”
1 means “Hardly ever corresponds to my personal experience”
2 means “2 out of 3 doesn’t correspond to my personal experience”
3 means “2 out of 3 corresponds to my personal experience”
4 means “It usually corresponds to my personal experience”
5 means “It definitely corresponds to my personal experience”
1.I sometimes think that I’m not fun to be with
2.I often don’t feel to be accepted and appreciated even by those who know
me well
1.I’m not sure of what doing or saying when I’m together with people I don’t know well
2.I can hardly see other people’s qualities
3.I often feel to be a too shy guy, even if I don’t look like that to other people’s eyes.
4.People don’t like me if they don’t know me well
5.Even if I try to trust more my own capacities, I’m always afraid to deal with new situations
6.I’m worried about censures and observations about me
7.I don’t think I’m a creative person.
8.I often put off my job/school engagements.
9.I find it difficult to express my opinions when they are different from other people’ones
10.When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t like me
11.When someone pays a compliment to me, I get amazed, I can’t believe it.
12.I find it difficult to accept and cope with my errors
13.My friends rarely appreciate my ideas or accept my proposals
14.I’m a too highly strung person
15.In occasion of important events I’ve always felt alone.
16.Other people see me as in introverted guy
17.Among other people, at work/school, with my friends I’m often not at ease.
18.When something goes wrong in my life, I think it’s because of ill-luck
19.It’s difficult to say what I think.
20.There are many things I’d like to change in myself.
21.I lack “common sense”.
22.I try to conceal some parts of my body.
23.I often feel to be left outside the group
24.I’d change my look if I could.
25.I try to face clashes and contrasts.
26.I don’t trust me very much.
27.I sometimes do things just to please the others more than myself
28.I’ve always thought that my parents don’t like the way I am
29.I’ve sometimes suffered because of unexpected frustrations
30.When other people are kind with me I become suspicious
31.I can’t understand what teachers expect from me
32.I try to fulfil an engagement carefully
33.When I’m not able to do something I often think that I couldn’t have done better.
34.I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I’m in physical contact, even with known people
You total score is______________
If your score is between 30 and 70, you’ve got a high self-esteem level.
You’re satisfied of the life you’re living and the choices you have done. You have got a very good “image of yourself”; you express to other people your “uniqueness”, accepting the risk to look different. Your job/studies gratify you and this allows you to invest creatively your energies to achieve new goals.
If your score is between 71 and 110, you’ve got an average self-esteem level.
You have got a good self-esteem level, even though the new situations make you fell ill at ease. You are aware of your strong points and positive features, but you find it difficult to accept your weaknesses. At school/work you are very appreciated for your capacities but you don’t accept with pleasure other people’s advices and proposals.
If your score is between 111 and 160, you’ve got a low self-esteem level.
You often feel to be of no worth, you’re critical with yourself, and often use negative statements to describe yourself. New situations get you frightened, you start thinking that you won’t be able to cope with them and this fills you with concern. When studying/working you often lack power of concentration and this prevent you to come to the end of an activity. The relationship with your teachers/head clerks is often marked by defiance and rebellion.