I am also very happy to have chosen Portugal as a partner country. Because of the hospitality and openness typical of Portuguese people I was feeling at home here. I enjoyed the diversity of many aspects of Portuguese culture, such as cuisine, architecture, music, and sports – I especially enjoyed Portuguese food and the beaches. I also took pleasure in the rich traditions of Portugal (for example, in the Carnival and in the university festivities) and in the contemporary culture of Porto (for example, I’m referring to the famous institutions such as the Casa da Música or the Serralves Museum). Therefore, I feel very happy about having the opportunity to live here for four months.
I would like to say thanks to everybody in Forave for being so hospitable and accepting, and for making my stay here pleasant, problem-free and delightful. I am glad to have met everyone, and I feel sad about leaving – I hope we will meet again sometime, maybe in Hungary!
I am wishing to all the students good luck for their final exams and training periods, and to have a great summer afterwards.
I wish good luck to everyone, and I hope that I will hear about you soon!