During the Semana Aberta (the ‘Open Week’) of Forave one day was dedicated to the cultural exchange between Hungary and Portugal. Thanks to the hard work of the students and professors of FORAVE, the school gym was turned into an exhibition hall of Hungarian and Portuguese culture.
Walls were covered by huge flags, and traditional music filled the air. The tables were covered by delicious Hungarian and Portuguese gastronomic specialities, prepared with the help of the students and the teachers of FORAVE.
Walls were covered by huge flags, and traditional music filled the air. The tables were covered by delicious Hungarian and Portuguese gastronomic specialities, prepared with the help of the students and the teachers of FORAVE.
Countless traditional Portuguese sweets and snacks were presented, such as pastéis de Belém, pão de ló, tortas de Azeitão, Jesuítas… Furthermore, various Hungarian specialities could be tasted, such as the strudel (‘rétes´), the fruit cake (‘gyumolcstorta), the Linzer cookies (‘linzerkarika’), and the Hungarian winter salami (‘téliszalámi’). Special thanks go to the students of AFC and TG 07/10 and to professor Carla and Teresa, who helped me to prepare the delicious Hungarian sweets.